Since some questions are asked more often, we have collected them here in order to be able to give you a quick answer.
Does the ticket have to be in my name?
The name on the ticket is not important for check-in and name changes do not need to be made.
Where do I get my wristband?
Directly in the parking lot at Check-In. Your ticket will be scanned there and you will receive the corresponding wristband.
What if I can't come?
The tickets cannot be exchanged. However, you are welcome to sell the tickets or pass them on to friends and acquaintances.
Can I upgrade my ticket?
No problem! Order your new ticket and give us feedback on both of your orders including the order numbers at tickets@irondriftking.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible and cancel the unwanted ticket.
Parking & Shuttle
Where do I park if I don't want to camp?
If you have a festival ticket and don't want to camp, you can park your car in the day parking lot with the corresponding ticket. The parking lot costs 10,00 euros per day or 20,00 euros for the entire weekend.
Is there Premium Parking?
Only visitors with a VIP ticket can park directly at the festival site.
Where do day visitors park?
Directly in the day parking lot, you can get the tickets here in the shop. The parking costs 10,00 euros per day.
Is there a shuttle to the festival site?
Yes, a shuttle runs between the parking lot, camping and entrance at short intervals at the following times:
Thursday: 02:00 pm - 12:00 am
Friday: 09:30 am - 12:00 am (optionally longer)
Saturday: 09:30 am - 01:00 am (optionally longer)
Drift Island
Can I bring drinks?
Each person is allowed to bring one 1.5 liter plastic bottle of water. Glass is prohibited on the entire festival grounds.
Where can I take photographs as a visitor?
Photography is permitted in all freely accessible areas. For security reasons, all other areas are reserved for verified media teams with official media accreditation.
What can I take with me to the festival site?
A 1.5 l plastic bottle of water, a small backpack/bag, sun protection and if you want, a small camping chair. But please be considerate of other visitors at all times! Glass is prohibited on the entire festival grounds.
Are drones allowed?
No, we cannot allow drones on the festival grounds. Their use is reserved for individual, verified media teams.